The Marbling Breed

The Wagyu breed was established in Japan in the 1830’s. Export restrictions were relaxed for a short time in the early 1990’s allowing several importations to the United States. These became the foundation bloodlines for current genetic programs. Our 100% fullblood Wagyu pedigrees blend together the best of the imports to provide potent genes for marbling, tenderness, growth and maternal traits. At Rock & Hill Wagyu, we aim to balance the Tajima and Fujiyoshi families for a blend of both marbling and growth.

Management traits of calving ease, low birth weights, and high survivability all mean greater profits for the producer. Wagyu cattle are docile, easy to handle, and have great longevity. Wagyu genetics for extreme marbling and carcass quality fit today’s competitive market. A diet of grass and other roughages combined with Wagyu genetics result in a high quality product with limited corn.

Additional Resources

American Wagyu Association

Click here to view the 2018 Wagyu Breeders Handbook-An Introduction to Wagyu by Pamela Armstrong, LVT

The Cattle Business Weekly – Article by Kindra Gordon: Is Wagyu for You? -October 15, 2009

Click here to view Rock & Hill Health Protocol for Calves